.. Django Oscar API documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Dec 23 16:04:47 2015. ================ Django Oscar API ================ This package provides a RESTful API for `django-oscar`_, it's based on `django-rest-framework`_ and it exposes most of Oscar's functionality. You can find `the source code`_ on GitHub. If you have any questions or problems using Oscar API, please use the Github issuetracker. .. _`django-oscar`: https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar .. _`django-rest-framework`: http://www.django-rest-framework.org .. _`the source code`: https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar-api Requirements ------------ - Python 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 - Oscar 3.2 - Django 3.2 - Django REST Framework >= 3.9 See `Github Actions`_ for the current tested platforms. .. _`Github Actions`: https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar-api/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml .. _django-oscar-api-installation: Installation ------------ Please see the installation instructions of `Oscar`_ to install Oscar and how to create your own project. Then you can install Oscar API by simply typing: .. _`Oscar`: https://django-oscar.readthedocs.io .. code-block:: bash $ pip install django-oscar-api Or you could add ``django-oscar-api`` to your project dependencies. .. note:: If you would like to install the current development version, use this: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install git+https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar-api.git Use out-of-the-box ------------------ You can use the oscarapi application in an django-oscar E-commerce site without any customization. See for more information: :doc:`/topics/outofthebox` .. _django-oscar-sandbox: Play around with the sandbox ---------------------------- You can also install Oscar API from source and run the sandbox site to play around a bit. Make sure to create a virtualenv first. .. code-block:: bash $ mkvirtualenv oscarapi $ git clone https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar-api.git $ cd django-oscar-api $ make sandbox # run the server $ python sandbox/manage.py runserver Now you can browse the API at http://localhost:8000/api. Here you can actually use the API already (a cool feature of `django-rest-framework`_) by using your browser and test which JSON formats you can send/receive. But I want to customise the standard serializers / views! --------------------------------------------------------- Probably you want this, because you already extended or changed django-oscar's functionality by forking it's apps right? See :doc:`/topics/customizing_oscarapi` for this. All topics ----------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 topics/outofthebox topics/communicate_with_the_api topics/customizing_oscarapi topics/the_admin_api topics/middleware topics/settings topics/permissions topics/signals changelog.rst .. Indices and tables .. ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`